Ground Vibration Monitoring
Why to use wireless accelerometer ?
Construction and industrial dynamic sources can produce environmental vibration problems for adjacent and remote structures. High vibrations and unacceptable dynamic settlements could disturb sensitive devices and people and even be the cause of structural damage. The dynamic sources, the geology at a site, and the condition of structures affect ground and structure vibrations. Each construction or industrial site is unique and requires consideration of specific approaches at the site for decreasing vibration effects of construction activities or industrial dynamic sources on surrounding structures. Monitoring and control of ground and structural vibrations provide the rational to select measures for prevention or mitigation of vibration problems.
Our wireless accelerometer comes with a great flexibility, user can easily pick and place this device on monitoring site.
Coming with a very low noise (45 µg/√Hz), this device offers great performanace
Streaming with Event-trigger (S.E.T.) measurement mode
User can select 4 trigger threshold levels for each channel. When the acceleration on a specified channel exceeds the trigger threshold level, recording and data transmission through wireless link will start
Data acquisition sampling rate and duration when threshold level is reached are user-settings. Pre-trigger duration is fixed to 1s, therefore user can visualize the full acceleration peak profile.

Our supervision software BeanScape® is provided with advanced data analysis tool , real-time FFT and real-time velocity are displayed at the same time than vibration waveform.

Remote Monitoring and alarm generation by email
Thanks to our MQTT protocol (a lightweight HTTP protocol for IOT applications), user can easily have a remote access to their Wilow accelerometer operating on the monitoring site.
Our new IOT Gateway comes with 4G connectivity and can be connected to our BeanScape® software.
The BeanScape® cloud version enables a multi-user access.
Example of report transmitted by email:
Vibration report : Click here
Velocity report (compliant with DIN4150-3) : Click here
Wireless IOT sensor offers a great flexibility. User can pick and place the wireless accelerometer depending on the construction site evolution (excavation, demolition, )
And what about power supply ?
Our new Wilow® product line can operate with it’s own battery,Beanair also provides external power supply options: Solar Panel which can be directly connected to your Beandevice® Wilow®