Test and Measurement
Offer a True Flexibility to your Testbench
BeanAir technology offers solutions for rolling stock, naval and aeronautic manufacter in terms of test and measurement, aiming at reducing costs related to test bench:
- Automotive: Tests on raceway and dirt track, wind tunnel testing, laboratory test benching
- Railway: Vibration monitoring on train wheels, automatic fault detection on sensitive device and systems
- Aeronautic: Comfort measurement, flight test measurement, Health and usage monitoring system
- Naval equipment: Tracking, monitoring, surveillance, underwater test benching, engine room monitoring
BeanAir has designed a new family of rugged and miniaturized wireless sensors well suited for harsh environments.
Thanks to a high sampling rate (64 KHz on Spacewireless product line), dynamic measurement is now reachable with our wireless technology:
• Shock Measurement (SSD– Smart Shock Detection—Technology)
• Tilt measurement
• Vibration Measurement
BeanAir sensor technology offers great reliability, versatility, maintainability and easy to deploy technology.
A Sensing Technology dedicated to Embedded Measurement
Reduce your Cabling Costs
The cabling cost is becoming more and more important in embedded device and equipment. The cost of integration, maintenance as well as the cabling weight induce non negligible constraints that can be more costly than the price of cabling alone. BeanAir® offers you to slash these costs by choosing a wireless instrumentation.
A Radio Transmission Optimized for Harsh Industrial Environment
While the vast majority of wireless measurement systems show their limits in harsh industrial environment, BeanAir® has designed an innovative concept based on antenna diversity allowing to optimize the radio link quality in environments subject to random and diverse disturbance.
Rugged and Miniaturized Wireless Sensors
Areas that had been inaccessible to wired sensors are now at reach thanks to rugged and miniaturized wireless IOT sensors device ( IP66/IP67 rating & 200G shock resistant).
A Supervision Software Designed to Match your Needs and Blend into your IT Infrastructure
The BeanScape® is a real time supervision and monitoring system that allows you to view and manage in real time BeanAir® Wireless IOT Sensors.
The BeanScape® is also fitted with an expert system allowing to view and interpret elements such as measurement or network alarms. The BeanScape® integrates an OPC server allowing to blend into your IT system. Most engineering platform tools (MatLab, LabView, WinDev,...) integrate an OPC client.
SmartSensor Range Main Applications
Wireless IOT Vibration Velocity Sensor
• Dynamic measurement
• Vibration analysis
• Inertial measurement
• Movement detection
• Structural health monitoring (SHM)
Wireless IOT Sensor Dedicated to Shock Measurement
• Health and usage monitoring systems (HUMS)
• Shock measurement on vehicles & trains
• Transportation monitoring
• Drop testing
• Crash and impact testing
• Ride Quality measurement
Wireless IOT Sensor Dedicated to Tilt/Inclination/Slop Measurement
• Platform Leveling and stabilization
• Laser level rotation
• Slope measurement (Building, infrastructure )• Oil drilling
• Axial rotor measurement
Case Study: Flight Test Measurement

During flight test measurement, wired sensors are deployed for many type of measurement (vibration, tilt, deformation, temperature, pressure...). Thousands of wired sensors are used during a flight test, increasing the complexity of flight test processes. Wired sensors are heavy and not very easy to deploy.
The customer started to use the BeanDevice® HI-INC (wireless tiltmeter) for pitch and roll measurement on a commercial airplane during flight testing. This device is very easy to deploy (no cable), lightweight (145g) and comes with a high accuracy (±0.05°) . The wireless range inside a plane is between 35 to 50 meters. Our Wireless IOT Sensors is based on IEEE 802.15.4 standard, ensuring a reliable co-existence with other wireless networks at 2.4 GHz.
BeanAir® wireless IOT sensors proved to be a great alternative to wired sensors when flexible and lightweight sensors are required. Our wireless sensors provide a high long-term stability and a low temperature-drift. The customer decided to use other BeanAir® devices for vibration monitoring and shock detection.
Case Study: Vehicle Test Bench

Just like the test tracks, the test benches simulate extreme usage conditions the vehicle may bear during years of use: very high or very low temperatures, wind, etc. The whole vehicle or certain of its parts are subject to tough climate exposure tests, in special chambers reproducing extreme heat, sunlight, cold, damp or undergo test cycles replicating driving conditions on rollerbeds to test the clutch, the gearshift and acceleration, just like a pilot driving on various roads. The aim of all these tests is to ensure that everything complies with the technical specifications and, more importantly, meets the customer requirements. Many different sensors play a supporting role for such types of tests. Wired sensors are intrusive and can be easily deployed on all the vehicle parts.
BeanAir® and an engineering company specialised in vehicle test benching (automobile, heavy trucks, industrial vehicles, agricultural vehicles), have joined their knowledge in an effort to offer an innovative solution which will change the way vehicles will undergo testing in the future.
The concept of « Plug & Drive» laboratory vehicle pushs back the limits in terms of testbed vehicle instrumentation by integrating wireless technology.
Vehicle brake system testing
Our wireless data logger, the BeanDevice® AN-420 were coupled with a pressure sensor , allowing the customer to validate the ABS (Anti-lock braking system) & ESP (Electronic Stability Program) on a vehicle.
Real time measurement monitoring
All measurements are recorded and stored on the Beanscape®. Each measurement is time stamped and Geotagged in real time within a 1Hz bandwidth. It is therefore possible to efficiently analyse the behaviour of a vehicle and geolocate it when an alarm is being issued.
Decreasing instrumentation costs (Example of laboratory vehicle "Plug & Drive") | ||
Wireless Instrumentation | Wired Instrumentation | |
Time Instrumentation | 1 Technician for 4 hours 300 euros for 1/2 day | 2 Technicians for 3 days 3600 euros |
Wiring cost | 0 euros | 400 euros |
Total cost | 300 euros | 4000 euros |
Weight & Wiring reduction boosts the payload (Example of vehicle laboratory "Plug & Drive") | ||
Wireless Instrumentation | Wired Instrumentation | |
Individual weight | Piezo accelerometer 1 + 4m Teflon Cable + ICP system acquisition : 1800g 4-20 mA wired acquisition data + 7 m of shielded cable: 800g 3 temperature wired acquisition data + 20 m of shielded cable: 2500g | |
Total weight | 1285g | 5100g |